For transfer passengers
Transfer travel is carriage of passengers from the airport of departure to the airport of destination with a short stop transfer at the Platov transfer airport.
Transfer travel difference from a usual transfer from one flight to another:
- no need to go through all preflight formalities again;
- no need to receive the baggage;
- saving time.
- Having entered the terminal building, oriented by “transfer/transit” navigation signs, passengers arriving by a domestic flight proceed to the transfer corridor located on the terminal 2nd floor.
- In the event of a failed connection, a passenger operations agent will meet the passengers with a nameplate right by the ramp for expedited formalities completion.
- At transfer passengers information and registration desks, a passenger operations agent checks transfer passengers’ boarding passes issued at the original departure point or, in the event of the absence thereof, checks and registers transfer passengers’ flight tickets, issues boarding passes, and directs passengers to the control area / point of inspection for preflight inspection.
- Passengers wait for the next flight in the common holding area where they can go to cafes, shops, business hall, baby-changing room.
- Transfer baggage is delivered on board the aircraft performing further carriage of the passenger, without any participation of the passenger, if the baggage was checked in to the transfer route final destination at the airport of departure.
*If, at the time of transfer, a passenger elects to go out into the terminal common hall, such passenger must keep in mind that, before boarding, he/she must check in at the terminal check in counter (if he/she has not checked in for the second part of the flight) and again go through preflight inspection. Please, remember that, at least 30 minutes before your flight departure, you must come to the boarding gate specified in the boarding pass.
upon arrival, having entered the terminal building, oriented by “transfer/transit” navigation signs, passengers proceed to the transfer corridor. In the transfer corridor, passengers are met by an agent who will inform them about all necessary procedures related to document execution and check in for the flight.
- after that, passengers must receive their baggage and perform all necessary procedures related to document execution and check in for the connecting flight.
*Please remember that you should approach the gate indicated on your boarding pass not later than 30 minutes before your flight.
*When you are travelling to the member countries of the Customs Union, the simplified customs procedure can be applied in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Russian Federation pursuant to which customs control of the transfer luggage is performed without its presentation to the customs authority directly by the transfer passenger.
Delivery by the Carrier of the transfer luggage documented in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the Russian Federation to the Customs Authority for customs examination at the transfer airport (point) shall not release the passenger from the liability for violation of the customs regulations of the Customs Union (EAEU) and customs regulations of the Russian Federation.
- Upon arrival, having entered the terminal building, oriented by “transfer/transit” navigation signs, passengers proceed to the transfer corridor. In the transfer corridor, passengers are met by an agent who will inform them about all necessary procedures related to document execution and check in for the flight.
after that, passengers must receive their baggage and perform all necessary procedures related to document execution and check in for the connecting flight.
*Please remember that you should approach the gate indicated on your boarding pass not later than 30 minutes before your flight.
*When you are travelling to the member countries of the Customs Union, the simplified customs procedure can be applied in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Russian Federation pursuant to which customs control of the transfer luggage is performed without its presentation to the customs authority directly by the transfer passenger.
Delivery by the Carrier of the transfer luggage documented in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the Russian Federation to the Customs Authority for customs examination at the transfer airport (point) shall not release the passenger from the liability for violation of the customs regulations of the Customs Union (EAEU) and customs regulations of the Russian Federation.
All formalities required for boarding on an international airline flight are completed in the terminal.
having entered the terminal building, oriented by “transfer/transit” navigation signs, passengers arriving by an international flight proceed to the transfer corridor located on the terminal 2nd floor;
in the case of a failed connection, a transfer agent will meet the passengers with a nameplate right by the ramp for expedited formalities completion.
at transfer passengers information and registration desk, an agent checks transfer passengers’ boarding passes issued at the original departure point or, in the event of the absence thereof, checks and registers transfer passengers’ flight rickets, issues boarding passes, and directs passengers to the control area / point of inspection for preflight inspection;
passengers wait for the next flight in the common holding area where they can go to cafes, shops, business hall, baby care room;
transfer baggage is delivered on board the aircraft performing further carriage of the passenger, without any participation of the passenger, if the baggage was checked in to the transfer route final destination at the airport of departure;
The Platov airport only applies baggage handling transfer technologies for DOMESTIC AIRLINE-DOMESTIC AIRLINE and INTERNATIONAL AIRLINE-INTERNATIONAL AIRLINE passenger transfers if the passenger and his/her baggage are properly checked in at the airport of departure.
Not all airports offer a possibility for transfer passengers check in. Please, find out during check in at the airport of departure if you baggage is checked in to your final destination.
If your baggage is only checked in to Rostov-on-Don, an agent at the “Transfer” counter at the Platov airport will request that you collect your baggage in the baggage claim section and proceed to check in for the connecting flight to the terminal common area.
In the case of a delay in the DELIVERING AIRLINE COMPANY flight resulting in the passenger’s missing the RECEIVING AIRLINE COMPANY flight, the RECEIVING COMPANY shall:
ensure that the passenger be carried to the destination by its other flight, subject to space availability and time before the connection flight not exceeding 24 hours, without any additional charge to the passenger;
make settlement to refund any amount for the travel part that has not been used.
The DELIVERING COMPANY (if the RECEIVING COMPANY has no space available on the next flight departing within 24 hours from the time of arrival at the Platov airport) shall:
ensure that the passenger be carried to the destination by its other flight;
transfer the rights to the carriage to a third AIRLINE COMPANY;
organize carriage by any other type of transport.
Any passenger is entitled to renounce the flight at the airport of departure or at any other airport within the route and recover the amount paid for the carriage or its unused part in the event recognized by the Parties to the Agreement as involuntary, in particular:
- cancellation or delay of the flight specified in the ticket;
- the aircraft’s failure to land at the airport specified in the ticket;
- the passenger’s failure to depart due to impossibility to provide for him/her a seat on the flight and date specified in the ticket;
- the aircraft’s return to the airport of departure without completing the flight;
- the passenger’s failure to depart from the airport of transfer on the flight specified in his/her ticket due to the aircraft being late or the flight on which the passenger was to arrive at the airport of transfer being cancelled;
- the passenger’s failure to depart on the flight specified in the ticket due to the check of the baggage and/or personal check of the passenger if no substances or objects prohibited from carriage by civil aircraft have been found;
- change of the aircraft specified in the timetable for another aircraft;
- change of the aircraft specified in the timetable for another aircraft;
- interrupted flight because of forced landing;
- improper issuance of the ticket by the carrier or its agent;
- illness of the passenger or his/her family member travelling with him/her on board the aircraft, if vouched by a appropriate document.
In case of involuntary abandonment of the flight by the passenger, the calculation of the amount to be refunded for the unused carriage is made only in the office of the airline whose flight the passenger is forced to abandon at the intermediate or return-departure locations.
The representative of the airline whose flight the passenger is forced to abandon calculates the amount to be refunded as a percentage of the through passenger fare specified in the ticket and enters this amount in the ticket, dates, signs and stamps the entry made.
The amount calculated in the airline’s office as a percentage of the through passenger fare specified in the ticket is refunded in the ticket offices of accredited agencies.
All passenger handling expenses in case of a flight delay/cancellation (catering, transfer; when necessary, hotel accommodation, obtainment of Russian transit/entry visas, difference in the cost of the carriage by the third AIRLINE and the cost of the trip initially sold) shall be reimbursed by the AIRLINE to whose fault the delay/cancellation is due.
All passenger handling expenses, including deportation in case of refusal of further carriage on the receiving AIRLINE’S flight or refusal of transit by the law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation for improperly issued documents, shall be borne by the delivering AIRLINE, provided the carriage has begun.
Choosing departure date and time
If there are no required directions in the schedule of flights departing from your city or if you are not satisfied with the schedule of direct (longhaul) flights,
you can always sel ect the optimal transfer routing through the Platov airport, with the days and time convenient for you.
The Platov airport is a major regional airport in the South of Russia. Flights in more than 40 directions are performed from here. And the ground transport network allows quick travel from Rostov-on-Don to any nearby city.
Lower air fares
Even if there is a direct flight from your city, if you choose a transfer travel through Rostov-on-Don, the total air fare can prove to be lower that the fare for a direct longhaul flight.
Flight tickets are sold at special through fares of airlines interested in attracting passengers.
Flight tickets at special through fares can be purchased in any air ticket office of Russia or CIS countries. For this purpose, you need to ask the cashier to sell you the whole transfer carriage (fr om the departure place through Rostov-on-Don to the final destination) with one TCH (Transport Clearing House) ticket.
Traveling via Platov – closer and quicker
The Platov airport is open in any weather: modern runways and navigation equipment ensure the airport virtual independence of meteorological conditions and service flights in any weather.
Special transfer technologies and high quality service at the airport
The airport ensures passengers safety high level, comfortable conditions and high quality service. The airport transfer passengers are serviced in special rooms without baggage claim or repeated completion of any preflight formalities.