A new international destination, Hurghada (Egypt), has been added to the schedule of Platov International Airport. Starting on September 11, 2021, Rossiya Airlines started to perform regular flights to this Egyptian Red-Sea resort.
One weekly flight is scheduled every Saturday. It departs from Rostov-on-Don at 09:15 am. The flight to Hurghada airport arrives at 12:15. The return flight departs at 13:15, and arrives in Platov at 17:45.
Before departure passengers should check the current entry regime and the current anti-epidemic protocols on the website of the airlines, travel agency, embassy or consulate. At present Russians are allowed into Egypt with a vaccination certificate in English, bearing a QR code – provided that at least 14 days have passed since the second jab; or with a negative PCR test done no more than 72 hours prior to departure. In addition, all passengers are required to complete a “health card” upon their arrival in Hurghada Airport.
You can check the flight timetable on the airline's website, whereas the relevant flight status is updated on the airport’s website in the Online Board section.